Sunday, September 1, 2013

Fichtner, Weber and WWW

Living at the time where world wide web has already asked and answered all the questions one can think of, coming across something no one has blogged/commented/linked about makes you seriously question your own judgement. Which would have never happened, say, twenty years ago when we were blissfully in the dark about ... well, everything. Of course I am exaggerating as always, but still - half of the questions we nowadays only need Google and basic skills of two-finger typing to answer, were left making circles in our mind not so long ago.

The point of this baroque introduction lies in the discovery I made last night while watching "Crossing Lines", new criminal series on NBC. It's a good one, by the way. And it has William Fichtner as a "headliner" which was partly the reason I took interest in that show.
Fichtner is one of those actors who work so much both in film and TV, but never get the recognition they deserve. He really comes across true to the character he is playing and he does not get boring and predictable even in series. Not to mention he has amazing eyes which make him ... irresistable.

And that brings me to the main issue of this post.
William Fichtner
photo: Primary Ignition
Steven Weber
photo: RedList
How come there is almost no mention of the fact that Fichtner looks so much like Steven Weber? They could pass for twins replacing Mary Kate and Ashley or something. Especially now when they are both older. This discovery does not cure cancer or solve the situation in Syria, but why has not anyone (except one line in Weber's IMDb page) posted pictures of them, compared face-lines and eye colour? You would think that at least one bored fan has a page dedicated to their similarities. No.
Do I sound like a crazy person talking about this? Probably.
Do I absolutely love obsessing about insignificant stuff like that? Hell yes!


  1. Thank you there is someone that feels the same way! They played brothers on the episode of Mom tonight and I desperately had to search to see if they were somehow brothers in real life.

    1. Same reason why I'm actually reading this post to confirm

    2. Omg I just searched as well. Its uncanny how they look alike. Dang

    3. Did the same thats how i come across

    4. I have been searching to proved to my husband they are not brothers, though they definitely have similarities.

    5. Oh, I knew that they were "not" actual brothers - but I did have to look this up. HATS OFF to the casting peeps that paired them up!!! (I am looking up the CASTING peeps next!) I could not have done better myself (LOL) and for years now I have thought that I really should have chosen "casting" as my career. :-O Like, who never thought to pair up Jodie Foster and Michael J. Fox??? Yeah, even throw Helen Hunt in there too! WTF??? This pair (Weber and Fichtner) would have been much better than Weber's "brother" on "Wings"... The "skills" kicked in to make Weber a great brother to Tim Daly. But, who knows, do these actual actors "see that" or even like each other in real life? I'd sure like to see an interview with (just) both of them! :-)

  2. Seems like we truly are the only people wondering about stuff like this

  3. I was just trying to find out the same thing!! They do look and sound so similar!! Good casting call for sure.

  4. OMG came across your post trying to find out if they were related after seeing them together in "Mom". My husband swears they don't look that much alike, but I think they could pass for twins as well!

  5. You guys are not alone. That is how I found this.

  6. Same here they are like long lost twins

  7. Replies
    1. That’s the reason I am here to cause I watch mom and I kept saying they must be brothers in real life. I can’t believe they aren’t

  8. Maybe they are long lost bros and they just don't know it yet...

  9. For the longest time, I thought Fichtner WAS Weber on Mom... and I still have trouble telling them apart, even on the show!

    1. Same here until the actual Steven Weber show up as the brother and then I was puzzled

    2. Thank you. It’s been bugging me and I finally googled and found your gem 👍🏼

  10. Wow! Glad to know that I wasn’t the only one...

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. funny. That is how I landed on this page. Because of the episode of Mom.

  13. funny. That is how I landed on this page. Because of the episode of Mom.

  14. Me too. I thought it was the same guy then saw the names and thought twins.

  15. I did the same thing with them and Zach Bragg and the Actor on Chips. I thought they were the same actor. Weird.

  16. Omg!! I found this page for the same reason. This is the funniest and strangest page. A whole column dedicated to how two actors look so much alike. I wonder if they get fan mail asking if they are brothers in real lfe.

    1. I finally found this page for the same reason. I couldn't believe how hard it was to get a definite answer as to whether or not they were actually brothers. I too thought they were twins! Then I considered it was one actor playing both parts. I think the similarities in their looks are remarkable since they are not related.

  17. My hubby and I were wondering the same thing as all of you so I googled and found this site too! Lol It's uncanny how much alike they look.

  18. Alone no more! I have been wondering the exact thing... I feel so cheated by the fact that they aren't actually brothers. Oh darn, maybe someone would be willing to push the conspiracy theory further and hypothesize that those two were actual brothers, one of whom got adopted by a different family...

  19. I am so glad to know I am not the only one who thinks these two gentlemen look like they are related! I have always heard that somewhere in this world everyone has a twin. I met my twin from California when we both enlisted in the Navy and were assigned to the same company in boot camp.

  20. I just stumbled onto this page trying to find a connection between these guys! I couldn't find anything connecting them. And on it goes!

  21. It's so funny that everybody watch the same episode of mom and then had to research this... I'm glad I'm not the only one... I have a family

  22. I never watched "Mom" when it first came out, but recently started watching reruns, and tonight (1/31/19) I couldn't believe it! I thought the exact same thing as everybody else-- thought they were twins or brothers or something, and was amazed that I couldn't find anything about their uncanny resemblance! 'Till I found this blog! When I couldn't find anything about it, I thought it was just me because I have prosopagnosia (face blindness) so I have a lot of trouble with face recognition, so Thank-you so much Eva Katariina (and all the people who commented!) I'm NOT going crazy! 😌😀😊

    1. For someone with that facial recognition issue ~ oh no you don't and no you're not!
      I don't mean to be disrespectful. You are quite observant.

  23. I thought they might be brothers in real life. Maybe this is just an example of a Casting Director that really does a good job?

    1. Excellent point!
      They bless us with their ability.
      Casting directors don't get the credit they deserve, when you think about all the perfect actors for their characters in so many shows.
      No, I'm not one, just a TV-watcher who also thought about this recently.

  24. I've been wondering the same thing.I also thought they were in other things together playing brothers.I must say I love William though ! Diana Pera

  25. Am glad to see this is still a topic 6 years after it was started by Eva Katarlina (Katariina?)! I guess it's still the only place it is. I don't understand it either.
    Thank you, Ms. Eva.

  26. PS: Anybody catch a much younger Fitchner on Grace under Fire?
    Very different look, but still kind of recognizable, and of course cute, in another way (with a lean & hungry look). Too bad he was so short-lived there, but perhaps he went on to bigger better parts at the time?
    And where are they both now?
    Well, I'll look it up after.
    Be fun if they've been bros in something else.

  27. Me Too! Couldn't get pass how much these none related actors look so much alike and how they play off of each other! What chemistry!

  28. SAME HERE! And I keep reading all the threads and STILL NO ANSWER! ARE THEY BROTHERS OR ARENT THEY? I even noticed similarities in their voices.

  29. Ditto to all of the above comments. My wife and I thought it was one actor playing two roles..... until they touched each other.

  30. Omg its feburary 21st 2020, and yes I came here because of the rerun of Mom, and I'm in the same boat with all of you, so make roo . Lol

  31. Add me to the list!!! Searching and finally found this info! 3/23/20! Thanks!

  32. I thought they were the same guy.


  34. I how ever am an aaliyah look alike and my face is identical but is much chunkier

  35. I'm here for the same reason so I guess I'm not alone. And since there seems to be a lot of us I'm glad the author of this post said what they did because it's been everything I've been screaming in my head for years. I am so glad that the very first time I googled this I found you. I finally found my people.

  36. I just knew they had to be related. When I've thought other look alike cast members on the same show were related, I was right. Like on King of Queens with Keven James and his real life bro who plays his cousin on the show. Cant remember his name. But these 2 on Mom have an amazing resemblance. Love the internet for solving these type of questions so easily.

  37. In case the 1st statement I made is confusing, I meant that I thought they had to be related because of there similarities in looks but was wrong. Glad I found out. I'm bored I guess, but I like to know and not just think. Then when anyone else asks something, I will know the CORRECT answer.

  38. For the past week after they introduced Patrick (Steven Weber) on Mom (syndicated/reruns), I have been trying to determine if this was simply William Fichtner (Adam) playing both roles with some cinema magic or if the actors were actually real brothers. I finally caved and went to Google for clarification... Astounding resemblance!!

  39. Omg can't believe so many of us I too was here just to confirm just caught the episode was killing me inside wondering mind blown they aren't related


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