Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Kicka$$ disainer nagu ma ise loomulikult olen, pean tunnistama, et juhuslikult poes Eesti plaatide riiuli ette sattudes, sain naerukrambid. Kes neid kujundusi teeb, kes neid pealkirju välja mõtleb?
On loomulikult ka häid ja väga häid karpe ja nimesid, aga totaalset saasta on kordades rohkem.
Ma siiralt loodan, et on läbi viidud mingidki uuringud, mis nende veidrate pildikeste plaadikaanele toppimist õigustab.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Chosen One

Tunnen end nende jõulude ajal kehvasti. Miks?
Sellepärast, et ma ei suuda anda mõnele inimesele teist, kolmandat ja neljandat võimalust. Proovin ja sunnin ennast, aga ei! Ma nii tahaks uskuda, et inimesed võivad muutuda, aga paraku minu elukogemus seda siiani kinnitanud ei ole. Once a cheater, always a cheater, you know. Kuigi see siin pole üleüldse mingi petmiseteema. 
See on tegelikult teleteema. Just.
Ajendatuna juba ette üleskiidetud intervjuudest Rahvusringhäälingu jõululaupäeva õhtul. Miks ma ei suuda uskuda, et ajakirjanik ekraanil tõesti ongi nii siiras ja maavillane kui pildilt paistab? Pilt, kusjuures, oli väga ilus. Professionaalsest huvist võtsin lõpuks heli maha ja nautisin lihtsalt visuaali. Juttu kuulata ei tahtnud. Kusjuures võib-olla ta ise usubki oma siirust, oma erilist missiooni ja äravalituna peaaegu et aupaistet pea ümber. Mina ei usu. Kuigi tahaks ja tahaks veel eriti seetõttu, et iial ei oska öelda, milline ma ise oleksin, kui saatus sellised kaardid jagaks. 
Ma usun, et meie teod räägivad rohkem kui meie sõnad. See, kuidas kohtleme teisi inimesi, k õ i k i teisi inimesi, on olulisem mistahes paatoslikkusest ja häälevärinast. Väljavalitud määratakse kusagil mujal. Kindlasti mitte teleekraanil.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Sons of Anarchy ... What a ride, brother

I fall into a very strange category of SOA fans. You see, just about three months ago I only knew these series existed and even that knowledge was a result of looking at Charlie Hunnam's IMDb page. Random posts by my co-worker/friend on FB suggesting soundtrack songs from SOA caught my attention, but I never moved past the music. My bad.
I decided to give SOA a go on one lazy Sunday afternoon after watching a Calvin Klein perfume ad where aforementioned Charlie Hunnam just made me forget everything about the product he was promoting. I mean, the man is hot. In a very old-fashioned way: dominant, but not aggressive, strong, but not condescending.
Jokes aside, I watched the first episode of SOA and I was sold. I watch a lot of stuff, some good, some bad, but I rarely get emotionally attached like I did with this.
And before I knew it, I had all the seasons on my iTunes library and exactly 50 days to watch a little over 90 episodes. Why 50 days, you ask. (Actually you don't, but I am trying to improve my creative writing here). After seeing the first three episodes I had no doubt in my mind that I have to see it all and the sooner the better. So I started my SOA marathon and although it makes me look like all twelve kinds of weirdo, I decided to be done with all the previous episodes by the time the final ride takes place. And I am so glad for that stubborn decision.
I got to experience this show in all its intensity. When you only watch an episode in a week, your own everyday life kicks in too strong and you lose touch with the characters or events. But watching it in a row, sometimes 4 or 5 episodes in a day (in a night - to be correct) gave me a totally different perspective of things.
Sons of Anarchy has created a lot of heated opinions, heavy debates about the use of violence and the overall conception of the show. I have no problem either with the concept or with the violence, because first of all - it's a fiction, y'all. And second - I see SOA more as a drama about family and brotherhood than a heroic praise-singing to a bunch of outlaws on a killing-spree. Yes, it can be totally senseless at times (hey, fiction, remember?), but it keeps you invested, attached. It keeps you caring about the characters and that's what I value the most. I love the casting of this show, it is hands down one of the best casts I have seen. It's real. It's realistic in the very best sense of the word. The interactions between characters come across as real as they can be on screen.

So I watched the #FinalRide on Tuesday with thousands of others. Coming through a thunderstorm of emotions this show had made me feel during the last 2 months. Some say the finale was too long, but I loved it. It gave me time to reflect on all my own feelings and thoughts while still keeping up with the events. It gave me time to cry and say good-bye to all of these guys. Somehow it made the right and wrong even. It gave me closure. I never doubted Kurt Sutter's ability to see the bigger picture and the finale proved it. Yes, it was pretty damn symbolic at the end, but c'mon - it was the last act of a play never seen on screens before.

I doubt I will ever rewatch these episodes. The first experience was too strong and I would like to keep it like this.