Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Monday, September 2, 2013
21.sajand? Vist siiski mitte
Ma olen, isegi kui see kõlab minu enda suust ning võib seetõttu mõjuda natuke või rohkem kui natuke uhkustamisena, enamasti väga tolerantne tüüp. Mille eest ma tänan oma vanemaid ning elu esimeses pooles läbiloetud ilukirjandust. Ma ei pruugi alati kõike mõista, ma ei tahagi alati kõike mõista, aga see pole takistuseks. Sallivus ei ole minu jaoks kunagi tähendanud absoluutset, veel vähem arutut nõustumist kõige ja kõigiga. Tolerantne olemise suurim väljakutse on olla piisavalt enesekindel, mitte karta väljendada oma mõtteid ja tundeid ning omada jätkuvalt kriitilist meelt iseenda ja ümbritseva suhtes. Kõige sallivam oled sa siis, kui sallid seda, mida ei salli. Kui eksisteerid kõrvuti millegagi, mis sul juhtme korralikult kokku ajab. Kõige tolerantsem on see, kes ei pea tolerantsuse peale üldse mõtlemagi.
Praegu, valimiste künnisel (kõlab nagu erakonna infovoldik, eks?) joonistuvad sallivusejooned meie ühiskonnas jälle teravalt välja. Osad teesklevad ülimat tolerantsust ja teised vastanduvad sellele. Kolmandad teesklevad vastavalt vajadusele.
Asi, mis mind üsna turri ajab, on nn. pereväärtuste teema. Ajada aastal 2013 endiselt suust välja sooja õhku mingi traditsioonilise peremudeli teemal, tundub eriti silmakirjalik. Just nimelt silmakirjalik, sest poliitik, kes ei ole võimeline märkama, kuidas maailm muutub mitte aastate, vaid tundidega, paneb mind siiralt kahtlema tema analüüsi- ja otsustusvõimes ning eelkõige valmisolekus esindada oma valijaid. Valijaid, kes väga suures osas kindlasti ei lahterdu "traditsioonilise peremudeli" kastikesse. Kui see energia, mis kulutatakse meie paarisuhete eelistuste defineerimisele traditsioonilisteks ja mittetraditsioonilisteks, panustada hoopis laste õiguste ja heaolu kaitseks, tunneks ma end meie riigis märksa turvalisemalt.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Fichtner, Weber and WWW
Living at the time where world wide web has already asked and answered all the questions one can think of, coming across something no one has blogged/commented/linked about makes you seriously question your own judgement. Which would have never happened, say, twenty years ago when we were blissfully in the dark about ... well, everything. Of course I am exaggerating as always, but still - half of the questions we nowadays only need Google and basic skills of two-finger typing to answer, were left making circles in our mind not so long ago.
And that brings me to the main issue of this post.
How come there is almost no mention of the fact that Fichtner looks so much like Steven Weber? They could pass for twins replacing Mary Kate and Ashley or something. Especially now when they are both older. This discovery does not cure cancer or solve the situation in Syria, but why has not anyone (except one line in Weber's IMDb page) posted pictures of them, compared face-lines and eye colour? You would think that at least one bored fan has a page dedicated to their similarities. No.
The point of this baroque introduction lies in the discovery I made last night while watching "Crossing Lines", new criminal series on NBC. It's a good one, by the way. And it has William Fichtner as a "headliner" which was partly the reason I took interest in that show.
Fichtner is one of those actors who work so much both in film and TV, but never get the recognition they deserve. He really comes across true to the character he is playing and he does not get boring and predictable even in series. Not to mention he has amazing eyes which make him ... irresistable.
Fichtner is one of those actors who work so much both in film and TV, but never get the recognition they deserve. He really comes across true to the character he is playing and he does not get boring and predictable even in series. Not to mention he has amazing eyes which make him ... irresistable.
And that brings me to the main issue of this post.
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William Fichtner photo: Primary Ignition |
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Steven Weber photo: RedList |
Do I sound like a crazy person talking about this? Probably.
Do I absolutely love obsessing about insignificant stuff like that? Hell yes!
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